Thursday, 30 July 2009


More bad news all - I have criminail. Im sure some of you have seen the adverts 'don't be a criminail, get curanail' For those that don't know, suffice to say I have a fungal nail infection on my big toe.

I hot footed it out and bought some Curanail as soon as I realised (£19.99!) but due to my nail varnish obsession I might have had it for sometime and not realised. The box says it can take up to a year to heal but luckily it's only a once weekly treatment so shouldn't be too bad to keep up with.

I highly suspect I caught this from a friend I was staying with recently who had a fungal nail infection AND athleats foot but she swears blind it's not contagious. All I can say to that is hmmmm, sounds like a pretty big coincidence in that case.

I got chatting to the lady in the chemist who sold me the Curanail and she was merrily telling me about her own fungal infection and how she had had it for yonks but not treated it yet! Apaprently she was waiting for winter when she didn't have to wear open toe sandles etc and so could go without the nail varnish. I don't know about you but as soon as I realise I have something like this then I want to get rid, sharpish!


  1. Take good care of that Toe!! Hope it heals soon!

  2. Thanks Maggie :-) no progress yet but then I have only done 2 treatments so far. I am managing to go without nail varnish as well, which is by far the hardest part hehe xx

  3. Hey Terry, it really does make you wonder how you get these things!

    Thanks for the heads up on te follower settings, but do you know how I go about doing this? Im a bit of a novice when it comes to these blogs and things?

    Thanks for your help! xx
