Sunday, 19 July 2009

Sunday No Better

Well yesterday went even deeper downhill after I wrote on here, it seems to be that if I start the day off wrongly then I can't get back on track. My brother made muffins in the evening, cherry / blueberry and choc one's and I had 2 blueberry and 1 choc! Outrageous behaviour.

As today is a Sunday I started off with my normal shredded wheat breakfast again and then lunch is always larger on this day so we had a cooked dinner with brownie choc pudding. Ah well, whole weekend is a write off by the looks of things.


  1. That sounds delicious! But don't worry you'll get back on track!

  2. Thanks Maggie :-) Im happy to report Monday & Tue have been much better so far! Why are the weeks so easy and the weekends so hard!? lol xx
